Today's post title has been pulled from the ending song to Star Driver,
"Cross Over."ANYHOW. Eight drawings tonight. That's two or three less than I wanted, but...well, I dunno. Might have to do with me using color in almost everything. May have taken up more time...

So anyway. First three drawings are from photos pulled off of Flickr. The last color pair came out of a Nordstroms catalogue I'd been carrying with me for a long while.

And then I kept using the Nordstrom's catalogue, and bastardized proportions and the female form. The only drawing I like on this page is the one on the far right. The rest look like horrible monsters.

Oh, right. Remember the guy I talked about in my last post, who requested the WAR PENGUIN? He requested a garden gnome riding a chocobo last...wednesday, I think. This one turned out nicely. I should draw larger more often.

And then this. You know the
Giga Drill Break attack from Gurren Lagann? I wanted to draw a parody of it using Mega Man for a while, and...then this. Only thing I don't like is the placement of the second speech bubble. It should be closer to panel 3, I think.

This was mostly drawing from photos off of Flickr, although I kind of screwed both drawings up, anyway...Gave me a chance to play with colors, too.

This page started with me asking myself, "How do the faces I draw faces look if I try to draw them larger?" And then it quickly turned into, "Oh God, this is horrifying, I'm going to draw a tiny night scene and play with colored pencils."

AND THE ONLY COMPLETELY BLACK AND WHITE IMAGE. This was mostly used for brainstorming designs for "Gods." That, and trying out different faces.

And this was for brainstorming a story idea I had tonight. I leave it chronicled in my sketchbook and this blog for future reference. I also marveled at the semi-passable "snowy mountain at night" in at the top of the page.
So...eight drawings. Last I checked, we were at 302 drawings.
We have now reached 310 drawings total.
I should have 332 by today, though. I'm behind by 22.
...There's only so much time until the end of December. ._.
You got some great landscapes going on, esp. the cityscape.
ReplyDeletemaybe you should try more "geometric"/general body anatomy drawings to focus solely on proportion, less on details.
the nordstrom drawings look nice, i think they've helped.
Now that I've gotten what I wanted and you've at least acknowledged that I exist... Have a good life. I had fun with you while it lasted. Take care. That one night was really special... I'll name our son after you. Goodbye...