Title pulled from the first bit of english that appears in the
ending song used for Bakuman's (inferior) anime adaption.
Anyway! A lot of drawings tonight. Lot of comics. Lot of color (more than usual, anyway) and more comics.

First up is the last request I got from the guy who asked for the gnome and chocobo and the war penguins: A panda with a squid gun. The squid gun wasn't...well, it was hard to conceive, so it kind of became less prominent than it should have been. I offset that with the octo-zooka.

You might recall from a few months or weeks back, I had that dream where I was fighting with this long-haired guy that may or may not have been some subconscious image of myself, and I drew him up. I decided to go along and make a comic of a fight between he and I, sans the banquet hall he and I fought in in my dream.
I just got caught up in drawing the second page after I looked at the last panel on the first page. But...the swing of the other guy's sword in the fourth panel on page 2 is so off that it feels ruined.
The first page also scanned poorly. :\ Oh well...

This was actually drawn before anything else here in this post. Eventually, it turned into me, drawing myself breaking into a laugh down at the bottom. I was working off of happy vibes from hanging out with friends while contained in a bathroom with them.
And also smiling on the inside from
this song.

I was listening to the opening theme of Grandia, and was reminded of its
opening FMV. From there...the scenery came out all on its own.
And as always, there is only one time of day: Sunset. THERE CAN BE NO OTHER ARRANGEMENT OF EARTH AND SUN.

So, in lieu of the quarter ending, and me becoming slightly more interested in bowling, I considered how I could go about drawing a bowling comic, with all kinds of gimmicky, stupid, silly BOWLING POWERS being used. I got bored fast, and drew up fruits in business suits instead.

But then I drew this bowling comic. I liked how each panel turned out, except for the three in the bottom-left: I think the eye close-up could've used a different expression, and the bowling ball is...lopsided in that penultimate panel. I think I could excise it entirely.

Inspired from a doodle in my last update: Sarah, with an umbrella. I liked how this turned out - just a quick doodle to color.
And then characters from a friend's project that I want to make into magnets.

More of his characters. My continuing struggles with females continues as I give them giant hips or butts.
...Not one of th brighter points of my sketchbook in the bottom-right, but the left side's fairly rockin'.

Comic practice, and brainstorming for the Requiem storyline. This was inked with the intention of being colored. The only thing that really bothers me is how jarring the blue sky looks in the panels it appears in. I should've looked at more reference photos of the sky at sunset.

And then I had to study for my bowling final. Yes. My vocabulary and bowling knowledge test. I figured one way to study would be to DRAW A COMIC THAT INCORPORATED ALL OF THE INFO I NEEDED.
That was impractical and stupid, but hey, I got two comic pages out of it...even if the bottom of the first page is drowned in speech bubbles and the second page has some weird angles and anatomy and perspective going on.
We're up to 322 drawings total!
I should have 340 by today, though!
I can do this.