Title pulled from
"Falling Down" by Oasis, used in Eden of the East's opening.
Anyway, eight pieces in tonight's upload. I'd have had two more, but I kept going back and forth between them, and would've taken too long to finish them in time for an update tonight.
So I figured I'd go with what I have right now.

Guess where I stopped caring in this one? No, really, just guess. Just guess.
That panel got really screwed up, so I made it NEVER GOOD. Saddens me a bit, since I liked the water and shell in the second and third panels.

Holiday angst aside, I wanted to try get that orange-and-black color that urban areas have during the night. Sort of hit-or-miss here.
Also, I am at a loss as to how to render Christmas trees.

More angst, only primarily in blue and white. Don't really like the first panel in the bottom half.
Both this page and the last one went for almost a week without being colored or inked. I fixed that last night.

And designs for the Requiem storyline! Toying with color ideas and designs for Glyde and Hotaru.

Doing the same for Janus. Apologies in advance for the phallic electro-sword.
Note that all of these include a post-timeskip age.

This originally was going to be me playing with perspective and foreshortening (see the first drawing) but it eventually turned into quick colored sketches of Glyde.
Electric hands.

Ideas for scenery and setting. An ancient mall, partially buried underground, being used as a town. I thought it would be cool: imagine, each area that would normally be a store gets converted into a small living space.
I think it would work out awesomely in a post-apocalyptic world.

And then brainstorming for clothing/fashion/etc. in the world of Requiem. I've got another page of this that I'm working on.
...it's kind of tough, trying to get a consistent look for it all.
Eight drawings tonight.
We're up to 330 drawings total.
Screw how many I should have.
I need
35 more to make my quota by the end of the year.
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