Title pulled from lyrics to
"Heavens Divide," the ending theme to Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker.
Anyway, fair handful of things this time. Been a while since I last updated, too. Eleven drawings total.

This was the brainstorming ideas for the style of clothes to be used in the Requiem storyline, as a counterpart to the male attire brainstormed at the end of the last update.

Hot on the trail of the brainstorming for general clothes were some character concepts.

And then I started listening to
"Komm, Susser Todd," used from End of Evangelion. I firmly believe that it is the only song worth listening to in the event of the apocalypse. All should listen to their mp3 players and headphones as I do.
...and then Chrono Trigger material because it...well, nothing else fit down at the bottom of the page.

And then I took a break to commit to...a meager...poorly-done...single page of actual studies from nude photos.
...I...I have no excuses. ;_;

Then I began drawing things from Steambot Chronicles before being assaulted by ANGST.
...which turned out much more detailed than the Steambot Chronicles fanart.

And then the ANGST ANGST ANGST continued, with an intention to make several more pages, but nothing came of it beyond this. "What's the inside of my heart like," I asked myself. Then I realized how horribly distorted ANGST makes it.

And then I began listening to/watching clips from Code Geass' dub.
One in particular got me started on this, and had me drawing it for the rest of the night.

This was brought on from reading bits about Klonoa on TV Tropes. There was a fair bit about how Klonoa, at the end of each of his games, always winds up vanishing from the world that he's saved, never to return to it.
...And I produced this.

And then I...well, the thought process is laid out here pretty clearly. I regret nothing.

This was to commemorate a refreshment of my mind.
The top half, anyway. The bottom half, and the next page, are part of an idea a friend posted in a comment to a status update on facebook...regarding me transforming into a Christmas ELF OF JUSTICE.

Please regard this page and the previous one's latter half while listening to the
Viewtiful Joe henshin theme.
We have eleven drawings here.
24 more until I hit 365.
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