Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Roses and Heroes

Haha, I...I have at least one drawing to account for all the days that've passed since I last posted, but I've spent (and will be spending) a little longer on one drawing I didn't include in this update.

That said, there's a lot of content for Rose Hero in this update.

Originally started as an action scene, after I'd drawn Sero's face in the first panel. My brain stopped working for ideas for an action scene, and then it turned out like this. I'm...fairly proud of how the last panel looks. I struggle to draw people sitting down on things.

That same night, I had trouble drawing people in poses that looked organic and flowy, so I resolved to draw robots instead while listening to music from Zone of the Enders 2. I think it turned out fairly well. I enjoy drawing robots. >_>

...But that one that's just a torso looks...kind of...sexual?

More brainstorming and practice for the Requiem storyline. I planned to draw a more natural, jungle/amazon-esque landscape with a waterfall at its center, but the waterfall instead turned into the water flowing out from a broken, ruined dam.

I inked this mostly with the .02 micron pen. For what it's worth, I think it looks nice. I rarely use a whole page for a single drawing...I should change that, soon.

This is me throwing up comic panels onto a sketchbook page while vaguely maintaining some semblance of the plot I have written down in word documents. I like the expressions here, even if I more-or-less half-assed everything on this page. Dialogue included.

This is me still vomiting comic panels onto sketchbook pages. I started sketching poses for Sero/Red Adonis at the bottom of the page when I began to become more aware of the fact that I still struggle a great deal with depicting people moving into the foreground. How that translates into action poses, I'll never know.

I do like the panel in the bottom-left, though.

A few days ago, I recorded a mock introductory narration to a story I'd concocted in my head only 30 seconds prior, titled "Star Ranger X." It had a really simple and straightforward, childish feel to it, and I really wanted to draw up designs for it, we are.

Do you see that mechanical star, and how it transforms into a STAR ROBOT? Despite how it looks like it may have been torn out of Dexter's Laboratory, I quite like it.

So, anyway. Six drawings here.

Brings us up to 240 drawings total.

I should have 279 drawings by today, though.

I am still behind by 39.


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