There's even color in one of the images! Oh my, how unusual.

I really liked how her pose turned out, even if her arms may be a little too long. The one in the back seems to have an abnormally-long wrist.

I also changed the scythe's appearance, among other things. No black/shading for the sake of me being able to see folds and the like without screwing things up royally.

I think he looks more lively and flowy than I've ever drawn him in the past.
...but that drawing of him with his hand outstretched looks Hell-weird. My grasp of perspective still needs work. (Haha. The hand looks weird. "Grasp of perspective." Hahaha...)

Useless trivia?: I redrew the last panel three times before settling on a pose for Sero.
Alright. Four drawings today, and we're bumped-up to 264 drawings total.
I should have 297 by today, though.
So I'm behind by 33. That's one less than before, but it's still progress toward catching up.
Haha...Early into the blog, I counted any drawing that I did for a day as one single drawing. That changed into "one page of sketchbook or one page of drawings from anywhere" equals one drawing toward my count. Makes it more difficult, but it feels good.
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