Interesting update with a variety of things, today.
...some schoolwork's mixed in here as well. Although, I don't know if that's worth much toward my count.

Anyway, kicking things off: I had penciled this drawing of the main cast of Rose Hero in their superhero alter-egoes over a week ago, and never got to inking it. Eventually, I got around to it...after erasing Red Adonis from the top-left corner and redrawing Black Iris (top-center) to better reflect her original concept art.
It looks...pretty nice.

So I drew those monsters last week, yeah? This page started off with the intent to draw nonsensical fantasy weapons, but then I began listening to
Shin Megami Tensei battle music, and started sketching that snake guy down there.
He looks awesome, I think...even if the front of his skull is apparently shaped like the pope's hat.

Another monster and some Halloween-themed doodles. With Jack and Jill, the pumpkin children, I'd wondered if they'd look more creepy if I'd made the inside of their jack-o-lanterns black, with only glowing dots for their eyes...but I figured if I left that space white, I could play with either look.
As for that monster in the bottom-right...The basis for it was a man's body with the legs and arms twisted/bent backwards. As for its tail...
...well, I did say the basis was a man's body.

So now we have four images of sketches for my latest assignment for graphic design.
The assignment was to produce four types of imagery for three different qualities about ourselves. We needed one literal, concrete, iconic, and abstract image each to communicate each of those qualities. The qualities I'd selected were "Curious," "Unusual," and "Spirited."
...Most of the sketchwork here was for the concrete imagery of those three.

More work for mostly concrete imagery. Some ideas for abstract for sketched at the bottom half.

Mostly iconic imagery.

This was retooling some earlier iconic and concrete imagery. After I scanned the images I decided on, I spent a while cleaning them up or altering them in GIMP.
Altogether, I'm counting these four as three images...since the first and last images in this little selection don't have much content.

And then, with that out of the way, I got to work on more monsters. The female monster in the top-left was drawn while under the influence of the
"Bloody Destiny" track from the remake of Persona. Everything else just flowed out afterwards...although, the tophat dinosaur is based on the same idea used in the iconic imagery exploration page from earlier.

And then we arrive at today. I just began doodling nonsense, and...well, nonsense is what we got. Then there was some empty space left over, and I filled it with super-deformed Mega Man and Bass.
That said, I began wondering: I rely a whole lot on how detailed my sketchwork is before I ink. I'm considering trying to draw with rougher sketches with less detail in them, then inking over that from the get-go. If that makes any sense. I'm going to be experimenting.
We've got eight drawings total today.
That bumps us up to...260 drawings.
But by today, I should have had...294 drawings.
I'm behind by 34, but that's a lot better than being behind by 40.
You really are a master of the unusual. Your monster-crafting is amazing. I also remember you talking about your musical sword, and I really like that. I know you're more focused on comics than animation or video games, but in my head I hear that sword ringing every time is strikes one of those fire-breathing tree zombies.
ReplyDeleteI also wanna say that you did a great job on the face of that witch girl. Both of them. Actually, you did a really great job with faces in general. Not to say you don't normally, but something stands out about these today.
And... that jack-in-the-box reminds me of the prawn from those Toast King animations...