Seven drawings this time around. It's getting...a little easier to draw when I want to.

Oh hey, look. Color! Brainstorming, up above, and...checking to see if I can draw different faces and heads, since my paranoia's been getting to me.

Studies. I'm now of the opinion that photos of breakdancers (good photos, mind you) are excellent material to do figure studies with. Or maybe I'm deluding myself.

Concepts for a town, plus brainstorming for FUTURISTIC BUILDINGS. Chances are that if I hit a wall with building ideas, I'll just base them off of shapes found in nature. Like the mushroom-shaped power plant.

Story brainstorming, in comic form. I asked a friend if I should draw a talking scene or an action scene, and talking was the response I received. I really have trouble drawing simple talking scenes, and making them...visually interesting. I also have fear that my linework with the brush is too bold or inconsistent, People have said it looks fine?

More studies, plus...Batman and Robin. And...well, that's supposed to be Todd Ingram, but something went horribly wrong.

This is my brain vomiting ideas for powers based on zodiac signs. All will yield to the fish-head powers of PISCES...which is so lame. Gemini is much better. I can always make Gemini better.

AND BEHOLD THE MONOWHEEL. Do you know what a monowheel is? You should. And you should care about the MONOWHEEL. Google it. I love monowheels, and I've always failed at trying to draw someone driving/riding one. But tonight, I succeeded.
So. Seven drawings tonight.
That's 220 total.
I should have 242 by today, though.
...Still behind by 22.
Maybe that's a good thing. I'm not falling behind, at least, right?