Title pulled from
Bump of Chicken's "Zero," the theme for Final Fantasy Type-Zero.
(EDIT: Aaaawrgh. The video got taken down.)
It's been a loooong, looooong time, hasn't it?
Well, no need to talk about why I haven't been drawing.
That said, I'm filling up my sketchbook faster than I have before, though. On one hand - more drawings! On the other hand - more drawings I could be scanning in!
But I'm only scanning in a few of them.

So I was drawing with some friends over webcam, via Skype. The "theme for the day" happened to be "generic RPG characters." With that in mind, I started drawing a swordsman and a mage, but didn't get around to showing them what I'd drawn.
Well. Maybe this fixes that.

After I drew those two, I just went off and started drawing more in theme with the "generic RPG character" concept. This produced the dragon you see here. The only thing that bothers me about this guy is...his wing on the left side. I think it looks kind of scrunched.

Playing with proportions and disregarding them. I toyed with the idea for a villain and came up with this evil old man.

With this guy, Troy, I had an urge to make someone really tall. Someone lanky, tall and thin like a spear or lance. Too bad his outfit's sort of mismatched...

I took a break from drawing up characters and started drawing from photos off of flickr. It's fun to see what comes up if you search "bar" and "drinks." The parrot, sadly, was not a result of this search.
I learned that it's a pain to draw ice floating in liquid of various colors.

Then I drew up an apple from Google Images. A braeburn apple, I think. It was the first time in years that I'd drawn anything without relying on an outline. That's done all in colored pencil. I'd had a bad night after drawing the hamster, and that manifested in the monster you see there.

Then I returned to drawing more characters shortly after that. With the concept of an "elegant but powerful" prince, I created Lucas. I try to think that he doesn't resemble Cloud Strife in terms of hairstyle.

Now, with Lydia here, I'd first drawn her as the super-deformed, jellybean-shaped tiny witch you see in the bottom-left. But I "expanded" her into a more proportionate design, as seen on the right side. I blame Halloween coming up influencing me.

And then, I wanted to redesign the "RPG Hero" I concepted earlier. The swordsman I'd drawn up days ago I refined into Rudy. He looks...a little less generic. I think I should have put armor on both of his arms instead of just his left.
What bothers me is that, as I was uploading images to the blog, I noticed that the back of Rudy's head and the back of Lucas' head are similar.

And then, after redesigning the swordsman, I redesigned the Mage and produced Salena.
Salena is awesome.
That monster to the right of the hamster looks like a terrifying mutant cubone.