Post title taken from lyrics (and title?) of
School Food Punishment's song, "RPG."
Well, so I haven't been on a crazy, burning-hot drawing streak...but the drawings I've produced lately have been wonderful in comparison to what I usually generate. My poses feel...looser, lighter - easier to draw.

Just drawings while I was lounging at my college last Thursday. Started off with a drawing of Belt about to punch someone, then I drew Aruna and Rosa wearing clothes different from their usual designs.
So-so stuff. Belt looks particularly awesome, if not for the odd placement of his arm that's in the foreground.

I was browsing a CERTAIN IMAGEBOARD's anime and manga board the other day, and someone was complaining about some of their work not being accepted someplace. One particular design felt like it'd be fun drawing, so...I took a stab at it.
I'll try to forget I ever drew this.

And this started as a mish-mash of random "NPC"-grade designs I doodled...then I filled the lower-left corner with drawings of Sarah, from Rose Hero's storyline.
I liked how a lot of things turned out here. Except for the guy in the bottom-right. The underside of his chin and his hands, wrist, and arm bothers me.

SPEAKING OF ARMS. I was talking with my girlfriend the other night, and she mentioned a concept for a character, and...well, long story short, it got me drawing a girl with arms being stabbed into her body whilst surrounded by many more. Not sure if this is quite what she had in mind, but I really like how the drawing turned out.
...the problem was, it only took up half the page, so I quickly doodled Aruna in its empty half.

Just drawings of various Rose Hero cast members. All of which look fairly nice. Except for Sero, down in the bottom-left. Ignore the malformed Kyubey.
The drawing of Aruna on the mid-right is something I'm quite proud of, though.
Well. That's it for this update.
...I really should just up and draw comic pages and roll with whatever I wind-up drawing.
"The easiest way to start a comic is to just start drawing it," someone once mentioned to me...
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