Update title pulled from the
opening to Bakuman's anime adaption.
Just a few drawings, this time around. School's...crunching down on me with the force of a wild animal's jaws. I can't wait to be finished with all my schoolwork. ;_;
Anyhow, everything in this update is Rose Hero related.

Doodles of Aruna and Black Iris: With Black Iris in particular, I wanted to see what her design would look like if I'd tweaked it.
...because I struggle to draw the ways in which a scythe can be used in combat, despite the wealth of videos I could probably find for it.

Drawings of the protagonist, Sero. I wanted to draw him transforming into his superhero alter-ego, which prompted the in-transformation pose on the left.
The one with the off-angle foot on the right side. Otherwise, I quite like it.

More protagonists: A lineup of Sero with Aruna and Sarah. While the outfits are all about right, Sero's face and Aruna's seemingly-disproportionate legs and stature bother me whenever I see this.
But the drawing of Sarah's face in the bottom-right corner pleases me. That's the sort of look I want to be going for when I draw my comic.

More of the main cast: Richard and Rosa. Richard looks kind of strange - his shoulders seem to be sitting a bit too low, and his arms look too thin. Rosa seems fine, though. Rosa's face in the bottom-right, with that smile, is something I surprised myself with.
...Sheesh, I should be catching these mistakes before I set the ink down, shouldn't I?
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