Monday, June 21, 2010

Odd Mix

Haha, so I usually draw in my sketchbook with certain pencils and pens, yeah?

Well, I found myself at a softball game with a notebook and a ballpoint pen. I decided to try sketching with it, and got this.

It isn't...that impressive. The tree was the best thing to come out of it, I think.

The next image is me, with my proper sketchbook and drawing tools, sketching during an indoor soccer game. Much better than the previous drawing.

And then this...I've been drawing on this particular page for some three days now, trying to work on it without being interrupted by family. I finally got it filled today...and I was reminded that the paper in this sketchbook is horrible to try drawing on when I'm using a nib pen.


So yeah. That's three drawings in today's batch.
That makes 172 drawings, total for this year, leaving me with 193 more to go.
Current quota is currently met at 172.

On an unrelated note, I also got a decent amount of sleep, today.

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