Anyway, my opportunities to draw have been on the paltry side as of late, whether due to homework or the presence of extended family visiting the house for my brother's graduation. Regardless, I do have some work to show.
As a warning, this upcoming one has naked men in it. Three naked men and a dragon. Also, horrible use of pastels.
The drawing comes from my figure drawing class: The model would pose for us three times, and we were supposed to get all three poses down onto a sheet of paper, and draw a background for the whole thing. That was the criteria, and the rest was free game.
Since our model posed with a sword...well...

This next one is actually a drawing I had scanned in, but not posted on this blog. It's character design brainstorming.

This was scanned tonight, and, ironically, is also character design brainstorming. This is actually based on an image from a friend, four years ago, when I had asked friends for early conceptual sketches of superhero alter egoes, based on rough descriptions.
I just revisited the concept and pulled elements out of it for this new design.

And this is playing with action in comic format. With crappy or nonexistent backgrounds.

And these are...very poor gesture drawings (can I call them that?) made while I watched my mother play indoor soccer.

8 drawings from before, and 5 in this batch makes 13 drawings unaccounted for thus far.
Added to the 154 drawings from the last count, we have 167 drawings total.
Surprisingly, I should have 165 drawings by today! :D
So I'm ahead by 2 days, covering me up until June 16th.
Glorious. Quite glorious.
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