Anyway. I have no excuses. I haven't been drawing as much as I should be, so I don't have much to show for the extended period of no updates to this blog. However, I've scanned and collected what I've drawn between now and the last update, save for some trivial sketches and some...dirtier drawings. (Hahaaaaaaaa.)

Haha, although...I'm not sure if it's quite as entertaining to those who haven't been exposed to either of these franchises.

This sketch of Janus was sitting in pencil form for about a month before I added some ink to it, then I finally finished it up tonight - you can see some lines where I used sharpie for his linework. I think he looks pretty nice, although his arms seem a little long. And he does look...a bit plain.

And I balled up all of my frustration into this...terrible farce of a comic page. I used the sharpie for most of the linework, then just used the rollerball for details. It was about after this that I figured I could use the sharpie a bit more frequently in my work.

I filled the bottom portion with me conversing with a gentlemanly alpaca, influenced by a real life event from yesterday at the Clark County Fair where an alpaca and I made noises back and forth to each other. Alpacas hold a special place in my heart.

Then this was more recent. Until tonight, this drawing of a new design of Red Adonis was just pencil. So I took my rollerball and sharpie to it, and...well, I got this. Nothing in this really bothers me except for the drawing in the bottom-right, where I think the torso is a little long...

That said, the sharpie lines seem kind of jarring here.

This one turned out much better, I think. For Rudy, a tenative main character who would draw on stereotypical Japanese RPG protagonist concepts, spiky hair was a must...and let me say right now that trying to figure out how to draw spiky anime hair from the side (when it points up and juts out to the side) is really difficult for me to try and visualize spatially. But in the end, this turned out nicely.

I can feel the snow in it.
That said, I feel a bit refreshed in the drawing department after tonight. Let's see what happens.
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