Sunday, March 13, 2011

I'll Take My Chances Here and Now

Title of the update pulled from the lyrics of Wild ARMS 3's english opening song.

Not much in the way of an update tonight, thanks in part to classwork drowning me over the past week or so. I did, however, have the chance to finally scan-in and edit two comic pages I scribbled-up.

In a stupid and hypocritical move, I've decided to play with tones...but I'm not so sure I'm working them right. In fact, I'm pretty sure that I'm not applying them properly at all. I am, however, satisfied with how the linework for these pages turned out. I think I'm in need of some backgrounds, though...

That's about it. I sketched-up a third page, but got bored with it.

If anything bothers me, it's that the tones I used don't really show through on these images. They're too fine, I guess. I wish the patterns of the tones showed through. It might make Red Adonis seem less...dark?

Hopefully, I'll have more like this on the way, what with break coming up.

1 comment:

  1. "This is nonsense! You're strong enough to stop the arm?!" Priceless.

    This is some amazing work. Everything is so crisp and clean, and the characters pop out of the page in a very pleasing manner. And hooray digital lettering! This is very well done. You should be proud.
