Post name pulled from a verse out of "
Hatenaki Michi" by HIMEKA.
My, it's been a while. Sure feels good after cranking out 8 pages of the rough draft of a research paper in 14 hours, the day before it's due. But now that the stress of that stupid thing's gone, I feel free to draw without worrying about it so much.

Just some drawings of photos out of a hairstyle magazine given to me by a friend. Ignore the disproportionate woman on the right, as Doodle-Me is already aware of the problem. I think the faces actually turned out great, though.

More drawing from magazines because drawing people sitting around me is nerve-wracking. The old man in the top-left is fantastic, I think. And the showgirl...well, something...seems off about her. I think she's disproportionate? Something about those legs...
And now we begin with my babbling about things that only make sense to a few people: Most of the rest of the post is character designs and brainstorms for my Requiem plotline.

Glyde, pre-timeskip. I've settled on colors for his jacket except for the end and that giant folded-over collar. His shorts have changed from previous designs, and now feature those...gems.

The evolution of Hotaru's design throughout the story, beginning from the pre-timeskip period to the end of it. Her post-timeskip design seems fairly plain, though. Like her outfit needs something else to it...

General character brainstorms, plus a drawing of Janus...who looks a fair bit like
Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia, now that I think about it.

Character design drafts for Stella. Her original design veered too closely to Hotaru's pre-timeskip design, so I felt the need to rework her appearance...although, it isn't as though that's helped differentiate her from Hotaru that well.
Next are comic pages. Three pages are brainstorming for story points in Requiem, mostly dealing with Janus and Glyde fighting. One other page is included in this post, but is unrelated to Requiem.

Fairly satisfied with this one...except for the second/center panel. Glyde's legs and the pose that Janus is in could have been...better positioned?

This was drawn maybe a week after that page. The first panel here probably makes for bad follow-through with the action in the final panel of the previous page, but other than that, all this page needs is some BACKGROUNDSSSSSS

Post-timeskip battle between Janus and Glyde. Besides the poorly-drawn backgrounds, this page made me realize that I need to get a grip on how visualize the neck. Just look at Janus' neck in the second and final panels. I don't think necks work that way?

And this was drawn specifically for submission into my college's art magazine. Look at that, I figured out how to use tones after X number of years! I'm satisfied with everything in this page EXCEPT for the background. Look at the floor.
Augh, my God. Look at the floor.
Anyway, these don't count toward the remaining 24 images I need to meet last year's quota.
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