Alright. I've got four drawings today.
First up is something I drew on Friday of last week...only half of the page, though. The other half is still being worked on. Coloring it and such, since I finished inking that other half today. Anyway, from what we do have here, ignore the visually-boring robot.

This was from...well, I forget when. Tuesday, I guess. The only thing of real interest is in the upper-left corner. The bottom left was used to hastily try cramming for a quiz on muscles in one of my classes. The rest was just experiments with how interesting I can make a close-up of a face look.

The next image was from yesterday, Wednesday. Started listening to Nana Mizuki's 'Crystal Letter,' and drew up the sunset scene. The rest was finished later into the evening, and turned into an ink wash experiment...not too happy with the results in the bottom panel, though. Close-ups and foreshortening are still a real challenge for me.

Moving on, we're at today's drawing...which more or less turned into experiments with ink washes again. I'm really pleased with the INTENSE RAGE face at the middle-left.

Aaanyway, I should have three drawings to show for tomorrow.
...So, let's see. This brings me up to 47 drawings, total.
behind by two days, then, as I should have had 47 by February 16th.
Regardless, I've 318 more to go.
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