If my guesses are right, I'm still behind...especially since I seriously slacked off on the weekend.
Anyhow: First up, we've got the drawing I'd been meaning to give some color to since two weeks ago. This was on the same page as the four-armed guy and the crappy robot with a gun-arm. I really should've used references for the trees, or tried changing-up the background to something more...compelling.

Next are just some doodles of a man consuming a squirrel, and more playing with ink washes...with ill progress.

Next up is just more doodling...'though I did have a fun time working out the details - 'specially that 'core' - on the robot.

This one's actually two images: Simon, from Gurren Lagann, was drawn on the same day as the robot up above. The rest followed on the next day..."the rest" including that poorly-hatched drawing of some lame Indiana Jones knockoff.

And more robots followed. The 'wings' on the anatomically-incorrect figure on the bottom portion were pulled from some doodles I was making in my notes during an Astronomy class. I rather like them.

And this is something that I don't think I want to be known for, but...well, apparently when I'm in a bad mood, I draw grotesque-looking creatures.

So, let's add this up: 7 drawings...
54 drawings total. I'm covered up until February 23rd...I'm
behind by one day.
Regardless, I've only 311 more drawings to go.
Gotta keep at it until it's burned in as an instinct, no different than breathing...