Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Overcoming A Block

The past few weeks have been unproductive and frustrating.

Or at least, the recent few weeks have been. As a result, I have sparse few drawings to share. However, since it's been a while since I last posted, I figure it would be a good idea to post what I have so far.

This is actually an older comic page I doodled up a long while back earlier this year, but didn't post for some reason or another. Might have to do with the horrendous, eye-gougingly-wrong proportions on the last panel.

Hand studies, and attempting to work with foreshortening. With poor results.

More hand studies.

A failed hand study, complete with self-depreciative remarks, and a drawing of a rabbit from a photograph.

Playing with watercolors while listening to the soundtrack of Fradile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon.

I actually struggled with this page until I drew up the girl...and quickly applied watercolor soon after.

In lieu of the last watercolor image, I tried it with two more of my characters.

And then another two.

And then I doodled up some other character designs...

Playing with inkwashes on a comic page. Mixed results...

And this page marks the beginning of my period of recent frustration. Something about faces, hands, and bodies became an incredible struggle for me, and nothing seemed to be working right.

Also, the "Dogs aren't primates" bit is clipped from my own life - from my psychology class.

I got this idea to try draw an action scene. So I tried...but then I realized that I don't have any idea about how to render action in a comic, let alone how to draw a scythe being used to attack someone.

...which brought me to try drawing-up the various ways a scythe COULD be used. I can't say that this was...particularly helpful, though. Or realistic.

Another attempt at an action scene, and I gave up before finishing, because everything just looks...well, horrible and wrong. I think the past two penciled comic pages and the scythe poses add together to maybe two images total.

...I won't acknowledge the comic pages alone as counting toward my image count.

So, a few days ago, I decided to try take another shot at drawing, despite my frustration with my abilities, and just drew faces. To my delight, everything seemed to be working out well.

And so I continued, the next day.

And then this was drawn up today. At the rate I'm going, I'll be back to speed in no time. :D

So...well, let's see how far behind I am.

16 images in this update.

That makes...100? Wow. o_o

So. 100 images total.
265 left.
But I should have 118 images by today.


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